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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : David Smethurst :  Just One Person: George Street

 Just One Person: George Street by David Smethurst

Topic: Testimony
Description: What can "just one person" do? Listen to this incredible true story of how God worked in a little place called George Street... (Worth the listen—only 9 minutes.)
Sermon Comments (3)

 Best sermon on Evangelism 
This is the best true story on Evangelism I have ever heard.

 hes name was known in heaven. 
This message is short but it gives so much, sometimes the tracts we give out our witnessing.... we dont see the effect. But nothing we do for christ is in vain, if you dont see how christ thru you giving out trackts and witnessing are changing the world then listen to this.

Just listen. This one is great!

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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