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Audio Sermons : Vance Havner :  Getting Used to the Dark

 Getting Used to the Dark by Vance Havner

Topic: Apostasy
Scripture(s): Isaiah 60:2, Jeremiah 13:16  
Description: This sermon shows how many Christians are getting used to the apostasy and declension in Christianity in our day. Havner calls us afresh to see the situation how God sees it and to act as light's in a perverse and wicked generation. "We're living in the closing chapter of an age dominated by the prince and powers of darkness. And men do love darkness rather than light. I want to warn you tonight the best way I know how. Of a slow and subtle and sinister brainwashing process."
Sermon Comments (7)

 One of the greats! 
This is one of the better messages I have ever heard, listen to it, and be moved.

 The Title says it all 
The title says it all: no better description of this sermon. A quote:[people ask] How much of the world can I incorporate into my program and still get to heaven? The speaker goes on to describe this thinking process. Sermon is more timely now then ever before. ginnyrose

 excellent word 
Pastor Havner is spot on the mark with this sermon it is as applicable today as the day he preached it! We in the church are becoming to cavalier about sin around us, it is pervasive and permeates all areas of society but we as christians must take a stand against this rising tide of evil cloaked in words like compromise, tolerance and relativism. God helps us to return to the light that we may reflect that very same light in an ever darkening world.

 Great Apostasy 
Highly recommend this and A. W. Tozers' "Resisting the worlds propoganda." These men are in Glory today, but gave sturn warnings to the Believer that slowly and surely,propoganda and conditioning were brainwashing the "Church" and making it slaves to the world. Thus the worldy Laodicea church. (Compromise, democracy/peoples majority rule) Erosion. If you are wondering what in the world is wrong with the church today, listen to the warnings of these 2 men. Instead of converting the world, the world has converted the church to a worldly institution. Without excuse. Jesus warns us in Revelation. They tried to warn us. Though Havner, Tozer be home in heaven today, listen and heed their warnings.

 Makes your skin crawl 
Dr. Havner hits the nail on the head re: the slippery slope of accommodation and incrementalism. How easily our world calls evil good and darkness light.

 This Sermon will Change an Open Heart 
This sermon is a great one for Christians and Churches who have blended in with the world. A quote from this sermon shoud sum it up:People are asking in the world today, "How much like the world can I be and still be a Christian?" and "How much of this world can I enjoy and still get to heaven?"He goes on to say that instead. people should be asking how much like the Lord can they be and how little of the world!Great sermon! Good day to all!waco

 Gross Iniquity! 
This dear brother is not slack in showing that the church is dealing with inquity when its flirting with the world but 'gross iniquity!'. This message is a light shining in the darkness and would need be listened to by the majority of professing believers in Christ Jesus in North America.

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