Description: In a self-serving world filled with an egocentric gospel, the long heard call to be priests, ministering first unto God, is being sounded again. Able to radically distinguish between the holy and the profane, it is the priest whose ministry can call down the fire of heaven and restore God’s glory to His Church. A foundational ‘must’ for every tape library. Life-changing!
this really gripped my heart. What a high calling we have to serve a holy God.
Praise the Lord!
I would say this is definately one of Art's best messages. Full of divine insight. He preaches off of a text in Leviticus, applying the duties of the priesthood to the preistly ministry of the modern believer. It is truly about ministering unto the Lord first before we dare step out and minister to men. The Levitical preists would sacrifice and sacrifice until utterly covered in blood and guts and gore until the distinction could no longer be made between the sacrifice and the preist himself; they would become ONE. It is no pretty thing to be called to the priesthood, it is a brutal thing!
One of Arts foundational messages
Spiritual napalm.
True Ministry
The true ministry God calls us to perform based upon the power of the indestructable resurrection life- the ministry of Melchizedek.
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