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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : John R. Rice :  When Skeletons Come Out of Closets

 When Skeletons Come Out of Closets by John R. Rice

Description: When Skeletons Come Out of Closets was preached in a red hot revival service. Preacher -- here is the way it's supposed to be done. Christian -- there is water here if your soul needs an oasis. Seeker of truth -- if you are worried about life after death, about how to have peace with God--here is the answer from God's word, the Holy Bible. "Everybody that goes to hell gets exactly what he deserves. He walks up to the ticket window and pays his own fare to hell -- in wages! But everybody that goes to heaven rides on a free pass."
Sermon Comments (1)

 Are there 3 Judgements in the Bible? 
Ever wondered about the judgements, or heard that a total of 3 judgements are discussed in Scripture? This is a hard-hitting, crystal clear discertation about all judgements, including who will be present at each, where they take place, etc. Lots of good analogies and illustrations during this one, as well. You can tell that you are getting straight facts from an experienced soulwinner. Hang on tight for this one! Good stuff.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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