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Audio Sermons : Erlo Stegen :  Jesus Triumph Over Satan

 Jesus Triumph Over Satan by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Satan
Scripture(s): Colossians 2:14-15  
Description: The cross at Golgotha is where the greatest battle ever was fought. Not one demon was absent when this battle was fought. It was such a fierce battle that even the sun hid its face and there was darkness on earth. Rocks were rent asunder. Satan tried his level best to overthrow the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan was an angel of the north walking among the others in heaven, until pride was found in him and he was thrown out of heaven (Is 14:12-14). A third of the angels in heaven joined satan in his rebellion and was cast out of heaven with him (Rev 12:3-4; 7-9). One cannot grasp it. It’s unthinkable that a third of the angel should side with satan. But if one looks at people, it’s maybe understandable, when so many people side with satan.
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