| | 20 Principle 16 - The Church Was Birthed In Prayer by Principles For The Gathering of Believers
Topic: Audio Books Scripture(s): Acts 4:24-30, Acts 1:24-25, Acts 3:6 | | Description: Prayer is not just one of the functions added to an Assembly meeting, it needs to be the life and atmosphere of a New Covenant gathering under the Headship of Christ. The Church was birthed in prayer. It was sustained in prayer. When they were persecuted they called a prayer meeting.285 Prayer was the beginning of the great commission. The disciples prayed for a successor after Judas died.286 Peter prayed for the lame man at the temple gate.287 Stephen prayed for his persecutors when he was being martyred.288 Prayer was the main activity of the Church. Ananias was praying when God directed him to anoint one of the early key leaders of the Church.289 Peter the Apostle was praying when God directed him to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.
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