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Audio Sermons : ~ Christian Audio Books : Principles For The Gathering of Believers :  15 Principle 11 - Leading Is Serving In Humility

 15 Principle 11 - Leading Is Serving In Humility by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Acts 6:2, Acts 6:4, Acts 20:28  
Description: Though there is leadership in the Book of Acts, the examples we find are of those who serve the body of Christ. A gathering of believers is still an Assembly even if there is no defined servant leader. As the fellowship grows in the Lord, the Spirit will gift certain men as shepherds.199 The 12 Apostles were servants to widows giving them bread daily for a season,200 until they realized they needed to fully devote themselves to studying the Scriptures and giving themselves to prayer.201 They delegated the function of physically serving the widows but expanded their service to the congregation to give them spiritual food.
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