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Audio Sermons : ~ Christian Audio Books : Principles For The Gathering of Believers :  08 Principle 4 - God Directed Churches Needed

 08 Principle 4 - God Directed Churches Needed by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Psalm 127:1-2, 3 John 9, Philippians 2:21  
Description: We can take heed to the admonition given by the Psalmist: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”85 If we attempt to start a Church gathering without the calling of the Lord, the entire endeavor can be in vain. If the Church model is not built solely upon the Word of God then we can end up building our own church86 and not the Lord’s. To have a desire to escape a religious atmosphere in order to have a less formal meeting where people are free to ‘just be themselves’—without reverence for God or submission to authority—is not the Church.
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