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Audio Sermons : ~ Christian Audio Books : Principles For The Gathering of Believers :  06 Principle 2 - Where 2 or 3 are Gathered Together

 06 Principle 2 - Where 2 or 3 are Gathered Together by Principles For The Gathering of Believers

Topic: Audio Books
Scripture(s): Matthew 18:20, Acts 2:46, 1 Corinthians 5:4  
Description: The genesis of a Church in Scripture is seen in this simple statement of our Lord: “For where two or three gather in My Name, there am I with them.” A gathering of believers where the Lord Jesus is present is the Church, even if there are only two or three believers there. When believers gather in smaller groups it allows the Lord’s people to meet more frequently during the week, even daily, as the early Church did.57 This provides the confidence and expectation to meet with other wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ, to meet with the Lord Jesus who is in the midst, to receive direction from the Lord and to benefit from mutual encouragement58 and prayers.
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