Description: Jim Cymbala gives a down to earth talk on the theme of biblical revival in this message. He gives clear admonition in regards to this theme from Scripture. Revival is not evangelism it is a spiritual renewal of believers who are in a state of carnality and lukewarmness. May God give us a renewed desire for God's people and His Church to be revived in our day.
This was such a refreshing word to listen to...I highly encourage you to take the time and hear this dear brother share his heart. may God truly do a supernatural work in His Church that we all might be able to testify that "truly God is in this place".
Anointed Talk
Dear Saints, this is a powerful down to earth talk on revival and at the end there is a faith building time of prayer to ask God for revival in our lives. May God fill many with His Spirit and revive His Church so we can be effective for His kingdom and the glory of Jesus Christ in this day.
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