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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Vincent G. Artese :  One Thing I Do

 One Thing I Do by Vincent G. Artese

Topic: Obedience
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (1)

 May Christ Be the One Thing We Do! 
This sermon expounds upon the words of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:13-15. The example that Paul and other great men of God have set for us to follow is to have a singleness of focus upon Christ as Lord. We must follow Christ with all our heart, we must not set our mind on earthly things, we must be "heaven centered." Having this singleness of purpose will transform knowledge into wisdom, conversion into regeneration, and religion into faith. May Christ be our pearl of great price. May He be our number one desire, goal, and the bread that we go on eating!

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