What can do without the mercy and grace of God.....absolutely nothing...oh heavenly father continue to have patience on us oh god while you make strife to crucify our flesh in order to become holy for you are holy and you deserve a holy praise....thank god for you servant Kevin Turner....a true messenger from the almighty omnipotent God who is omnicompetent and all loving......
Oh that God would build in us a brokeness and weeping over our condition and allow us to become more like His Son. We must humble ourselves God will only do that to us in the last case scenario. We must bear our cross as we followed our bloodied saviour along the narrow way.
God is Good
Lord God capivate us with your love, and flow through us in your mercy. Awesome message, I hope that many more listen to it.
HUMILITY AND OBEDIENCE ARE THE KEYS TO REVIVAL. I love God passionately, want to be a missionary/ minister of the gospel and God used this message to confirm what he was revealing to me. I really thank God for the prayer at the end. I wrote it down and it is the prayer of my heart. Its what God has been showing me.KEEP CLOSE TO HIM!
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