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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers G-L : Steve Hill :  The Days Of Our Flesh

 The Days Of Our Flesh by Steve Hill

Topic: Christian Life
Description: How much time do you have on this earth? No one knows for sure. The Word of God instructs us to number our days. Why? So when you stand before the Lord, you’ll have crowns to lay at His feet. So you’ll hear the words, “Well done!” Are you living for temporal things that will one day pass away? Or for the eternal which lasts for ever? The days of your flesh are numbered, but the days of your spirit are without end. Make sure to invest your life on that which truly matters: eternity!
Sermon Comments (1)

It's about not wasting your life... 'Teach me to number my days that I might gain a heart of wisdom'... Some good points and stories, but there was something not right. Maybe pride? Maybe lack of the Spirit? There are far better messages on this site...

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