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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : William Carrol :  Leaving A Lot To Gain The Rest

 Leaving A Lot To Gain The Rest by William Carrol

Topic: Promises Of God
Description: August 1, 2010 - Sometimes when God makes a promise to us that seems to be way out in the future we can tend to hold on and settle for something that is right in front of us. We may hold on to relationships, plans, dreams and/or a set of goals. Many times these are the very things that are hindering us from the supernatural plan that God has for our lives. This message provokes us to have a direct confrontation with these things and a mindset that says this thing needs to go! As we begin to let go God will begin to take us into the blessings that were already promised to us. The rest comes when we simply agree with God in every area of our life.
Sermon Comments (1)

 My Lot 
I can so identify with the message Leaving the Lot to gain the rest. Reminds me of the qoute from Jim Elloit..."He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot loose: Late in life God is teaching me to turn lose of that which is temporal and look to that which is eternal, being careful to remember that we as christians live similtaneously in two different worlds.Devern Fromke's books, "Ultimate Intention" and "Unto Full Stature" lends much to what our world view should look like. I highly reccommend these books for the one who yearns to build upon the teaching of the "Exchanged Life"

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