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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Don Courville :  Marriage and Divorce - Part 1

 Marriage and Divorce - Part 1 by Don Courville

Topic: Marriage and Divorce
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (1)

 No Such Thing As Divorce! 
This is an excellent spirit filled teaching about marriage. The same teaching preached at my church. He explains clearly what is "one flesh" which is repeatedly shown in the Word of God. There is no such thing as divorce. Divorce is not optional. Marriage is unto death. Only after death a man/woman can remarry. He explains contentious issue of Matt where preachers teach you can remarry if a spouse commits adultery. That verse is speaking about pre-marital sex which he refers back to Deu and Matt which shows that betrothal was binding like marriage and needed to be broken with a divorce. He tells you about the Jewish wedding ceremony which is different from today, as there was like a 1 year betrothal before consumation of marriage. Divorce clearly was never instituted by God and we being under a better covenant, having the Word, blood and Spirit, should live under a higher standard than the Old Testament saints whereby divorce was allowed because of the hardness of their hearts! P

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