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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers M-R : John Piper :  At The Price Of God's Own Blood

 At The Price Of God's Own Blood by John Piper

Topic: Giving All
Description: This is a very challenging message given by John Piper on the life and ministry of Nicolaus Ludwig Zinzendorf and the Moravian movement. Oh what a tremendous example of piety and sacrifice in these saints who gave all in response to the free salvation offered in Christ. May this stir you to give all, what can you truly hold back from the Son of God's love?
Sermon Comments (3)

 "The Trials Continue On..." 
I personally must give thanks and recognition to all of the "SoulSurvivors" whome have carried not only I, but the bottomless bouts' of all nations to what may seem an "unsettled" area in life. Only the "Strong", only the "Bold" and above ALL else, only the "TRUE" shall survive the penetrating evil we are forced to reckon' with day by day. I've always stood firm by my beliefs, most of the time doing so alone, whether in a corner, or in my own pit of darkness. No more! Families must turn towards one another and embrace the final moments we still have. I have yet to meet an "immortal", and I have yet to meet a wall that not just "I", but "WE" as a people, can and "WILL BREAK DOWN!" So allow me the chance to pull an assist and pass this brief message off the glass in hopes of a "rebound" towards the redemption of our nations "fallen-angels" and for the "greats" to come, from generations to generations..."A-men!"

 short but powerful message 
Sobering reminder of why Jesus suffered and died.Very challenging indeed.

 Giving All! 
Oh may we truly give it. It is nothing saints compared to what Christ did for us!

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