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Audio Sermons : Paul Washer :  Where are the Men?

 Where are the Men? by Paul Washer

Topic: Calling
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 16:13, Mark 1:32-39  
Description: Paul Washer sometimes expounds a number of different (but often related) topics in his sermons, and this message is no exception. Preaching in Denmark, he opens with a plea for men who have a zeal for the LordÂ’s house, who will stand up and be counted, and will seize the opportunities for preaching the gospel while they exist. Moving on to Chapter 1 of MarkÂ’s gospel, he shows how demanding life can be for the zealous man of God, as exemplified in the ministry of Jesus Christ himself. If the Son of God could not live on earth without prayer and secret communion with his Father, how much less can we. He was never too busy to pray; nor should we be. Everything we are in public, is formed by what we are in private when we are alone with God, says Mr Washer; and he then goes on to use the Luke 18 passage to expound the topic of persevering prayer, showing both how and why we should endure in prayer, how God delights in it, and what it can achieve. (79 minutes)
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