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Audio Sermons : Jackie Pullinger :  God Uses Foolish Things

 God Uses Foolish Things by Jackie Pullinger

Topic: Foolish Things
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 1:26-27, Luke 4:18, Matthew 5:3  
Description: Throughout this beautiful and anointed message, Jackie shares many wonderful testimonies of the work of the Holy Spirit saving, healing and delivering drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals in the Wall City in Hong Kong. She speaks about the revival in China, and how teenage girls leave their homes and walk from village to village sharing Jesus. They come back two years later and multitudes have accepted Christ. These girls have never been to a seminar or a worship service. They simply give everything they have away. Jackie also witnesses about brothers and sisters coming out of decades in prison with broken bodies many times, but rejoicing and shining in their Saviour. She emphasizes that the revival in China is not facilitated by visual aids, life changing tapes, videos of the month or Christian magazines. It comes through the Holy Spirit using "just a few people who aren't very educated, without microphones, who loved their lives not unto death - that's it." In this way, God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:26-27). Jesus came to preach the good news to the poor (Luke 4:18). Jackie explains how the poor are often able to hear the gospel much quicker than an educated person, because they can hear spiritually. This is why the poor in spirit are blessed (Matthew 5:3). Jackie Pullinger emphasizes that men and women are saved through the Spirit of God, not through man's reasoning. She concludes with a call to die and a profound challenge: "His glory will fall if you go out with nothing except a broken heart and some precious seed, and I suppose we have all got that."
Sermon Comments (9)

 Not the wise, noble, or or mighty... 
Oh my Lord may man NEVER boast that it was him who led sinners to the cross, we merely plant and water but You bring forth the increase, amen. I was blessed by sister Jackie to share the genuineness of the gospel to reach the hurting, for truly it is easier for the rich to drive their camel through the eye of the needle then to enter the Kingdom, its not impossible but harder. May man never boast in himself but only in his weakness, for there Christ strength is made perfect! The Spirit of the Lord is upon us! Let our candle burn in a land filled with darkness!

Listening to this has given me hope that I can find Christ in the way she describes, the parable of the man finding the treasure (me) impacted me much, I've always known I didn't really understand the Cross because if I did, my way of living would change, God help me to know Christ truly. Thank you Jackie.

Its a simple, not so eloquent message but its very practical and insightful. I was very impressed when she said that the poor take the gospel differently (not verbatim) - that was very insightful. I am a person who delves into apologetics but these are the stories that keep a persons footing from drifting into mere intellectual indulgence.

 Spiritual things 
There was no sermon that brought me to the Lord. It was a humble loving man that was selfless in his ways. His ways talked to my heart. Jackie details the way to the heart in this sermon. This is basic spiritual communication. I appreciate how she works with the destitute, she has the wisdom that comes from above. I have listened twice. Love it!

This is one of the most important messages I've ever heard. For some reason I always need to use headphones to hear it but it is WORTH the search for headphones. Listen and Learn.

 Beautifully shared.. 
Jackie's testimony is one that will make you laugh, cry, and celebrate the goodness of God. If you've ever seen pictures of the Walled City of Hong Kong (before it was pulled down), you'll get a sense of the total depravity and need there. ANd it was here that this young lady went (with little money, lacking language skills and any kind of missionary or church behind her). Yet God did a wonderful work through her--and the impact continues because of this testimony and others. I highly recommend this as it will challenge and sensitize the listener to the heart of God for those who are often seen as undesireables.. ~Sean

 The Wisdom of God 
May God forgive us for all the obstacles we put between the Gospel and those that have not heard of Him. [mental arguments, music, pot lucks, strategies, etc.]. What a clean answer to Why some are born in such "dreadful circumstances." What she said about the poor prophesying I have witnessed as true with children newly born again. This is very encouraging. Few words: God is seen, come, take, go.

 the fools r us 
I wept when I realized how often I've turned away from the poor and yet consider myself a follower of Christ. I fear the day when I will answer to the Lord knowing that my pride has made me a fool in the things of God. The joy in Jackie's voice and her humor at the befuddled rich Christians are very real and struck something in my spirit. The love she has for the despised is something I aspire to be mine, let Christ be more and me be less.

 Rugged Reality 
There is something so "real" and genuine about what this dear sister says. She speaks forth truth not caring what people think. A Fenelon s said: "You do not need to be cured. You need to be slain." Oh may we die to ourselves and live for others!

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