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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : George Stormont :  Smith Wigglesworth - Miraculous Healing

 Smith Wigglesworth - Miraculous Healing by George Stormont

Topic: Smith Wigglesworth
Description: Pastor George Stormont gave David Alsobrook of Sure Word Ministries permission to duplicate these sermons shortly before he passed on in 1995, stipulating that any proceeds were to go to their foreign outreach. If these messages are an encouragement to you please consider a donation to David's ministry at
Sermon Comments (2)

 Soul Winner 
This tape series which I received when George Stormont visited our church in 1993 was a four part series called "Spiritual Secrets of The Man Who Walked With God Smith Wigglesworth" This title actually is called "Soul Winner" which was the 3rd of the 4 tape series. I was in contact with George Stormont by phone and mail from 1993 thru late 1997 when he responded to me by mail that he was very ill. He passed on to heaven shortly after and I am thankful for his friendship and encouragement and his willingness to pass on his memories of Smith Wigglesworth to others. Be blessed and enjoy.

I just finished the series... It was wonderful! So many good things to glean... This message isn't much about healing... Its more about examples of how Wigglesworth did personal evangelism with people he met on the streets. He was very bold but he trully cared about Jesus and the lost... Highly recommend all 4 audio!

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