Description: You will be shocked when you learn the origins of what is being taught today, where it came from and how it perpetuated over the past 200 years. No doctrine of devils has done more to put the church to sleep in the last days than this teaching (the position held by most believers). Be prepared to have your eyes opened and your understanding come alive as you learn the truth from God's word.
I agree and have been thinking this for a long time. Christians do need to be taught this cause I do hear it all the time that 'were going to be out of here' applause
I have listened and studied through the message and got a great deal out of it. Altough some areas i didn't agree with it was good to listen to as i believe it good to test everything to see that we are walking in the light and not just listening to fairytales.
I am trying to get this sermon,and it keeps saying the link is broken...Thanks.
Yes I have a series of sermons on that OSAS subject. You can find them in and then search for once saved always saved and you will find them.
A much needed message for our day.
This is one of the most complete teachings on the subject of the Rapture I have ever heard. I have one question concerning your statement that this 'doctrine of devils' is number one (or the most dangerous)doctrines today. I am believing that it is number 2 on Satan's Hit Parade of destruction right behind OSAS. Would you happen to have a sermon on that subject. I searched the index and found none by anyone. Would love to hear your beliefs on that subject. God bless you brother and keep on preaching God's Word unaltered and unchanged.Your brother in Jesus, ALittleBro
We need to observe and stay in the light of truth.And war against deception, may men arise once again with this type of message. Allowing the spirit to prompt us by his mind to know the will of the Lord in these last days.
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