What an example of how God can use a life that is yielded to Him. Mr. Daniels creates a desire withing the soul to be the person, surrendered to God, that God can use. Oh that I would be in a place were God would guide me to such Divine encounters.
Listen to this sermon - you'll be strengthened and challenged!
Amazing stories! Ohh God enlarge our hearts for thee!
From the message..."How can you say God is a God of love when there are so many peole suffering in this world, I don't have all the answers, (but?)this I do know, this I do know when a man is absolutely surrendered to God and God fills him with the Holy Spirit, from that moment that man is led by God to souls. (from?)that moment, he is driven with a compassion to people that are hurting, he is driven with a compassion almost every step of the way to lost souls that are hurting. Don't tell me God doesn't love, He just needs one man (under?)absolute surrender and he drives the man to every soul He sees hurting." I can't recommend this message enough. The love of Christ constrains us!
this is good!
does a great job of bringing out a very good point! well worth the listen!
the blood of Christ can set you free
Great testamony
Lord forgive us for the times we fail to go when you send us... Let us surrender our will at all times. This was a powerful message by Brother Daniels.
hear our prayer ,Lord
oh God,i pray that you would draw every man and woman who hears this message to an absolutely surrendered life!fill us with your Spirit of holliness and then do what only you can do through us to be godly patterns to all who see our lives,in Jesus name.
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