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Audio Sermons : Carter Conlon :  I am the Lord that Healeth Thee

 I am the Lord that Healeth Thee by Carter Conlon

Topic: Healing
Description: January 4, 2009 - In 2009 God is calling His church to "go forward". We will not have an ability to go forward if we are not right with God. We have been called to be an extension to God's goodness to a dying world. If our central focus is to live for the betterment of others, then even the bitter things will become sweet to us. There is still a Lamb for every house. There is power, provision and protection in Christ. We must make haste and get right with God so we can be a testimony of His provision and power. In Christ everyday is a new beginning where the impossible becomes possible.
Sermon Comments (1)

 A Great Word 
Wonderful Message preached by a Man of God that truly cares for the sheep. Thanks Greg for making this Sermon available. Carter Conlon just Ministers Christ. Nellie

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