| | Watershed of the Evangelical World by Francis Schaefer
Topic: Evangelicalism | | Description: Francis Schaefer shares how the society of North America has succumbed to the humanistic values and ideals. Christian values and standards according to Scripture has all become irrelevant in this type of society. There is a need more then ever to believe and live the standards of the Scriptures.
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Timely and Prophetic
This message requires concentration, but is well worth listening to. Although given in the 1970's, Francis Schaefer message is a timely warning. He discusses the need for the Bible to remain authoratative in a humanistic, relativistic society. His foresight was prophetic in light of the deceptive winds of doctrine sweeping the evangelical world today.
It is known that the God we serve is a God of provision; not only our material provision, but also all other needs that we may have. Included in those needs is a need to be prepared for what might come, including attacks from the enemy. One of the ways that God has provided us to meet that need to be prepared is through His word; more specifically, by the example set forth by the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. While being tempted by the devil in the desert after His baptism, Jesus gave us an example of how we can be prepared against the enemys attack by quoting a Scripture from the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 8:3),
man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. By doing this Jesus has shown us that every word, including the Old Testament, is for our benefit, to meet our needs. Our Lord further shows us by example in the very next temptation how we are to interpret Scripture through the importance of context and sc
Standard of Scripture!
In a day of a growing Evangelical Church "we must not compromise our view of scripture"
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