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Audio Sermons : Major Ian Thomas :  God At War With Flesh

 God At War With Flesh by Major Ian Thomas

Topic: Flesh
Scripture(s): Exodus 17:6, Ephesians 1, Romans 8:14  
Description: Major Thomas uses quite a few Scripture to lead us to the realization that we have power over our flesh through Christ. He wonderfully illustrates this with Moses and the “smitten rock” and Esau as being he devil incarnate.
Sermon Comments (1)

 great thought 
Mr. Thomas makes a great point concerning the verse "Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh". He says we often work at not fulfilling the lust of the flesh so that we may then walk in the Spirit, why is it he finds simple but profound truths from familiar passages but I tend to miss them?

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