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Audio Sermons : Leonard Ravenhill :  Where Is The Fire?

 Where Is The Fire? by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Unction
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 17  
Description: This is a powerful burdened message preached at a Baptist Conference in Texas around 1990. Ravenhill shares on the burden for a unction, anointing and power from above to rest upon the Church. He speaks for 2 whole hours sharing his burden for revival. Do we have the fire of God in our life's?
Sermon Comments (8)

 Its a JESUSdeal 
The reason we are not in revival is we do not want it! O if we would just stop and listen and obey. We would see real revival happen. He makes me stop and listen to the Holy Spirit.

Does anyone know I can find more of his sermons in text form online thanks for any help given

 This man provokes me to seek God! 
I'm so thankful to the Lord for sending us a man of God like brother Ravenhill. Why can't we get it straight?? Why do we look for revival to come on the wings of some power house evangelist or work it up in some sort of praise frenzy brought on by wonderful repetitive choruses? Why isn't the formula working anymore? we as a body of believers have neglected to eat the bitter herbs of the passover. our pleasure cruise is sinking fast and it's time to lay aside every weight and the sin,get on our faces and beg God's forgiveness and seek to know Him in the power of his resurrection and holiness. The program will not work for us.

 Love for God, people, and desire to be holy 
Ravenhill is passionate....I wish to love like that and more to my Jesus and the desire to be more holy by the power of God!

This sermon, though long, is more than worth your time. The burning words scorch the heart as the convicting voice of Bro. Leonard Ravenhill cries out twenty years ago! How relevant this is even more so in our day when the hope of revival seems so dim. A wonderful sermon on PERSONAL revival which is where true revival starts. If you are a preacher, in training or in practice, then you MUST devour this sermon. Heed it's principles, and don't be afraid to look in the mirror as you listen.

 The Is My Favourite Sermon Ever 
This message was preached only a while before Ravenhill left us. O I cannot express how much God has used him to utterly change and crush me! And it all started with his message "A Burning Heart" when he said, "If you're a preacher and under 40 years old, I see no reason why you should be in bed after 4 o'clock in the morning!" That hit me hard. And when I came to listen to this message - ah! What a delight! What an absolute feast of church history. I have listened to this message 6 times. And I am still not done with it. This is the voice of a man driven by God; the voice of one crying in a wilderness. He was about 80 here and yet he can still yell and cry out! He speaks of Spurgeon, John Owen, John Bunyan; he speaks of revival; he speaks of evangelism; he speaks of the new birth; he speaks of conviction; he preaches God! This sermon contains a bit of everything! I bless God for this man often in my heart and I bless God for this message. I do not understand why it has not been

We listened to this message while traveling, and what a message it is. Powerful, anointed, and painful. We have been talking about it for days, and plan on another listen.

 Oh for revival! 
Ravenhill shares his exploding heart for revival in this 2 hour long message. How can we listen to such a message and not break over the great need for revival in our day?

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