| | The Sin Of Silence by Laurence White
Topic: Scripture(s): Acts 5:29 | | Description: Dr Laurence White delivers a powerful exhortation and warning to the pastors of America to take heed to the times we are living in. We must confess and realize that we have not stood up against the flood of immorality and filth in our society. Our silence and timidity have been our fault, we must stand up and raise our voice to proclaim righteousness and truth in our day.
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The Sin of Silence by Laurence White...is so true!
Ever since I heard sermons like this as a child and watched the church become more passive and too afraid to offend people that are not following God's word...I've known this particular sermon to be true and more truthful than most sermons. I've been trying to warn people for decades but the fact that I'm not poplular and have followed God's word makes most of society not want to listen to me...especially selfish North Americans. There are good North Americans but they are mostly selfish and self centered...is what I've seen in our churches in the past decades and I've been all over. That is why I pray, pray, pray for our leadership...it needs it more than ever each passing day. AMEN for the few pastors that choose to stand up for the Lord at all cost to their church!
Sounds like a Ravenhill Book
Good but very familiar message. It has all the right words but felt more like a dissertation or speech rather than preaching.
Sin of Silence
This is a profound call to lay down our lives. May we ask our Lord, after listening, what must I do, what can I do to lay down my life. This preaching removes yet another excuse for any man to use.
And a clear warning to every saint
It is long past the time of focusing on the horror of the intimidator (Hitler, abortionists, advocates of sodomy and the wicked hay-day of wild-fire). How we need a clear vision and anointed preaching on the sin of being intimidated, silence and sleep that exposes the root, its opposition to righteousness, and the consequences. I weep in rating this a 5 because there is so little said.
A Clear Warning To Pastors and Leaders
Even though there are many political allusions still the clear warnings against sin and the sins of the pastors of america is clear and must be heeded. Oh may God see fit to spread this message far and wide. Everything is not ok, we are about to reap all the hidden wickedness we have sown in America!
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