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Audio Sermons : Paris Reidhead :  (So Great A Salvation) Keeping His Commandments

 (So Great A Salvation) Keeping His Commandments by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Commandments
Scripture(s): 1 John 1:6, 1 John 2:1  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (2)

 SIN is detestable to a Holy,HOLY,HOLY GOD..AMEN 
As usual Paris preaches according to scripture and not deviating to appease the sinner, but warning impending judgement of Law breakers; For God will be thorough against sin, So run and repent, confess, forsaKE, AND LAY YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS WHO DELIVERS US FROM THE WRATH{The great and terrible day of our LORD:Judgement day} to come and covers us with the garments of salvation and the robe of righteousness..Praise the LORD forever and ever...amen

 Know That We Know Him 
I shall ever be grateful to this site for "stumbling" on Pastor Reidhead's Spirit-breathed sermons. This one incorporates (mainly) verses three and four of the second chapter of the first epistle general of the Apostle John. If you think you've got this salvation "thing" all figured out, listen to this sermon and see if you re-figure or concur. I pray the latter result to be true for you. God's blessings.

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