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Audio Sermons : David Wilkerson :  In One Hour Everything is Going to Change

 In One Hour Everything is Going to Change by David Wilkerson

Topic: Judgment
Description: August 5th, 2007 - There is a sudden judgment coming where the Lord will turn everything upside down. God always moves in judgment when the cup of violence overflows. Sexual crimes against children, abortion, greed and corruption will bring about sudden destruction that will change the world in one hour. Christians should be grateful for this world and the life God has given us here but we are not to live in fear of death. If we lose the fear of death through trusting in Jesus, we will not fear the sudden destruction that is coming. The bible says in the midst of these calamities a song is going to rise up from all the saints. In the house of God there will be a revival. In the middle of the fire, God's children will not be in panic but in an exuberance of praise to the majesty of Almighty God. All saints from the uttermost parts of the world will break out in song of Hope and Praise.
Sermon Comments (4)

We've seen the US and European economies plummeting these last few years which could cause worries. I was greatly encouraged by this warning because of the eternal perspective of Brother David and the hope that God will bring some refreshing, renewal and revival through these times. Maranatha!

"There is a sudden judgment coming where the Lord will turn everything upside down." Oh may we realize in north america the time is soon, we ought to be crying out to God for revival.

Amazing.... I was present at Times Square Church for this sermon last week. I have searched the internet to find a copy to listen to again (and again and again). David Wilkerson is truly a "Jeremiah" of our time. He speaks the Truth about God's Word, God's kindness and His severity. He is a faithful father for today's generation. You must listen to the entire message.

 Sobering and Encouraging for the Christian 
A Prophetic Word . Be sure to listen to all the Sermon. God Bless Nellie

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