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Audio Sermons : David Wilkerson :  A Cry Against the Wicked Youth of America

 A Cry Against the Wicked Youth of America by David Wilkerson

Topic: Wicked Youth
Scripture(s): Jonah 3:3-10; Jeremiah 16:10-12; Matthew 12:41  
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (2)

This present generation should really hear this message and realize how wicked and perverse many young people today. Many ministers refused to talk about this issue of apostasy in this modern day Christianity. I myself had been deceived by those wicked spirits that posses these guys. I followed much of these metal/hardcore bands--back when I was not yet saved even until a year or so after that. And most of the time, like me before, those 'Christians' who love these idols are very defensive and upset when being confronted by the Holy Spirit and His word. I just pray that you'll turn from these idols and seek the overcoming life and conforming unto the Holiness of Jesus by His grace. These are the last days my friend, and many of you are still defeated in your sins-- it is because you let these wicked spirits to keep you in bondage of that babylon. Be warned. Be wise. Seek the Lord while He may be found! You could live a life of victory over sin and have joy and freedom through His S

 five stars 
This sermon is worth more than five stars. Thank GOD that we are saved and have peace and not nothingness.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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