Description: This message was preached at a 1982 pastor's gathering. J. Edwin Orr shares his testimony and you will quickly realize how this revival historian could speak so sweetly of revivals from the past. It is because he experienced mighty revivals as a youth as he traveled the world by faith in the living God.
Said to Orr in his early days: "You seem to think, Edwin, that your besetting sins are the main hindrance. They're not...The blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse you from all sin. The problem is your will." Awesome quotes from Orr: "...very rarely do I ever mention, there were even, I would call it (maybe the word 'physical' isn't the word to use) manifestations; where it was just as if God poured into my soul, burning cold. Never had an experience like it in my life...I had all sorts of experiences after that."
Excellent. Well worth the listen for those hungry for revival.
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