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Audio Sermons : Bill McLeod :  Rivers of Living Water

 Rivers of Living Water by Bill McLeod

Topic: Personal Revival
Scripture(s): John 7:38  
Description: Bill McCleod shares with a burdened heart on the subject of personal revival in the Christian's life. He shares much Scripture on the command of God to be filled with the Spirit and goes through many Scriptures on reasons for us grieving and limiting God. He ends with a very powerful story of how we can stop the work of God in our lifes. He ends the sermon in tears over the state of many that are hindering God working in their lifes. A very sobering a heart-searching message.
Sermon Comments (3)

 Bill McLeod is straight forward... 
Solid sermon regarding unstopping the flow of Living Water from the depths of ones being.

The Holy Spirit of the Living God lives in me, is there anything too hard for Him. Please do not let me grieve You. Allow me to believe so that I may see many people saved. Do not let me block you in any way.

If this message does not get you on your knees before God I am not sure what will! May God use this message for His glory to fill many people with the Spirit of God allowing Him to have rightful control of our lifes. May God work!

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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