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Audio Sermons : Erlo Stegen :  Jesus´ victory over the powers of darkness

 Jesus´ victory over the powers of darkness by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Cross of Christ
Scripture(s): Acts 16:16-39  
Description: Paul was angered by the demonic spirit of divination which shouted out of the girl "these men are servants of the Most High, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation". Even though this was true Paul did not need demons to shout it out. He commanded the spirit to leave the girl. The power of Jesus was displayed when the demons left. Her masters, who had profited much, were furious, and had Paul and Silas stripped and beaten. But this did not beat God's servants for Jesus is victorious over demonic power. They sang the praises of God in the cruel jail and stocks, till heaven could not remain silent and the earth shook with God's power.
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