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Audio Sermons : Erlo Stegen :  Judgement unto salvation or condemnation

 Judgement unto salvation or condemnation by Erlo Stegen

Topic: Judgment
Scripture(s): Isaiah 11:1-5  
Description: "His delight is in the fear of the Lord." God reached out to reconcile sinful man to his holy God. How else can sinful man be reconciled to God, but through Him Who is sinless? Man gossips, slanders, gets angry, covets, hates, murders, etc. God is holy and has no fellowship with sin. He cannot sin. Natural man is born in sin. Some families (and even nations) are known for their sinful traits as being full of wrath, lazy, etc. The birth of Jesus was different from any other normal birth. He is fully God and fully man. He possessed two different natures. Being fully man He was tempted in all things like we are tempted, yet His delight was in the fear of God and He sinned not.
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