| | Fire In Your Bones (Kwasizabantu) by David Wilkerson
Topic: Calling Scripture(s): Jeremiah 20:1-3, Jeremiah 20:7-9 | | Description: Jeremiah was called of God and knew the call on his life more than any other prophet in the Old Testament. Before he was made in the womb, he was known of God. He was anointed to speak the mind of God. God made him this promise. "I have made you a defensed, impregnable city, against the priests and all the people. They will fight against you, but will not prevail." Then, these amazing words. "Speak, lest I confound you before the people". No man was more sure of his calling, and God called him to speak of destruction and desolation, but if he should doubt, he shall be confounded. I.e. If you trust me you will never be confounded, but if you will doubt your call from Me, I'll confound you before men. This is crucial in today's world. I have been preaching for over 50 years, but still remember the day, time and place where God called me. I have never once doubted that call. If a person cannot say to God, "I'm in your will and your place", then you will be confounded.
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