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Audio Sermons : Keith Daniel :  The King's Highway

 The King's Highway by Keith Daniel

Topic: Holiness
Scripture(s): Numbers 20:17, Psalm 1  
Description: Keith Daniel gives a unction-filled message, expounding the "King's Highway" - the path God led Moses and the Israelites on as they passed through the heathen nations enroute to their Land of Promise. Keith warns of the consequences to those who divert from this highway of God's righteousness and purity to go down to visit the devil's territories.
Sermon Comments (6)

 A Very Special Message 
This was the first message I heard from Keith Daniel. It is excellent. The thing I took away from it most importantly however was his love for God's word and how much he wants God's word to impact all of us. This message changed my view on reading the Bible. I love the Bible but I was struggling not with reading it, but with the discipline of reading it through and through and through. In other words, HOW to read it. This message has convinced me that though it might be difficult, reading the Bible through in its entirety over and over and over and over and over is worth every bit of effort if I can only be half the man Keith is, by the power of God's Holy Spirit.

 Timely and Passionate Message 
A heart-warming, annointed message that warns the saints not to make this word their home. Instead to keep to the KINGS HIGHWAY, with our affections placed in the things above, looking always and only towards our heavenly home. Jesus!

wooooow this is so great im blessed gby

 Re-birth of unction! 
One can't help but notice God's anointing, God's approval upon the life of Keith Daniel. There are so few who are like this because of the fear of man and the fear of rejection. The message is a challenge to change and to fear God by keeping to His highway. By shunning the pleasures of this world, which, if we are fearful of God, will not be a pleasure. Brother Daniel urges us to soak ourselves in the word of God, reading numerous chapters daily, for our benefit and for God's glory. This message has to be heard.

 Relevant for Today 
An unction-filled message by Keith Daniel, expounding the "King's Highway" - the path God led Moses and the Israelites on as they passed through the heathen nations enroute to their Land of Promise. Keith warns of the consequences to those who divert from this highway of God's righteousness and purity to go down to visit the devil's territories. I hear him preach this live, in Oklahoma City, in October of 2006, and was blessed greatly. This is a very timely message, a serious warning to all Christians in their sojourning through a land that is not ours.

 An Pure Walk? 
Do you have comprimise in your life? Are you walking in Holiness? "you are as holy as you want to be" -Will MacFarlane. Oh this message has a uncomprimsed message for us today in the Church. How far we have fallen.

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