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Audio Sermons : Paul Washer :  God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (2 of 4)

 God is a Rewarder of Those Who Seek Him (2 of 4) by Paul Washer

Topic: Seeking God
Scripture(s): Hebrews 11  
Description: We believe that these messages truly flesh out what is meant by the phrase, 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' Because 'faith' is so easily misunderstood this is a much needed truth.
Sermon Comments (1)

 Stirred to really seek God 
This is such a poweful sermon. Paul Washer says to his audience that the presence of God was more real to him than they were. Wow, i feel like i hardly know God after listening to this sermon- but i feel encouraged to seek Him, to really seek Him and not to be satisfied with a shallow superficial knowledge of Him.

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