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Audio Sermons : Leonard Ravenhill :  1 Cor 13 (version 2)

 1 Cor 13 (version 2) by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Love
Scripture(s): 1 Corinthians 13, Romans 5:5  
Description: This sermon focuses on God's kind of love from the verses written by Paul in 1 Corinthians 13 and Romans 5:5. The majority of the sermon discusses the first half of 1 Cor 13; specifically verses 1 through 8. There are many old hymns and writings quoted by Brother Len that focus on the person and love of God and His Christ intertwined in the message, quite a few from Wesley. There is also some time spent on some of the past saints that exemplified this love.
Sermon Comments (1)

 This is not Part 2 
I was in the audience at the Anaheim Vineyard when Dr. Ravenhill preached "Part 1" in this series and have fond memories of that time when he stayed at Anaheim. The trouble is that this particular sermon is not "Part 2" of the one labelled "Part 1." It is a different sermon, preached at a different church. He said at 25:56 "Here in Marshall, this Presbyterian Church." There are several other differences, but the main fact is that he is basically preaching twice on the same topic, not two parts of the same sermon. It is, of course very good. It is classic Ravenhill, but it is not part 2 of the sermon he preached at Anaheim that day. Basis_Hound

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