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Audio Sermons : T. Austin Sparks :  Ye Are Come To Zion - Part 1

 Ye Are Come To Zion - Part 1 by T. Austin Sparks

Topic: Zion
Description: Part 1 of 8. This highly recommended series deals with entering the rest of Christ and with coming into the full purpose of God for our lives so that the life of Christ may flow to those around us. We are come to Zion, to all the provision we need to live a life like that. We begin here where the history of man begins, in the Garden. Mr. Sparks shows us that Christ is our garden, our resting place, our heritage.
Sermon Comments (1)

 Zion, the fullness of Christ 
Brother Sparks is, in his low key style, able by the grace of the Lord to verbalise the difference between what is earthly and what is heavenly, what has to go and what will come if the Spirit of Christ is allowed to work in man and among men. He again and again provides pictures and sparse wordings showing forth the Glory which we have come to, and he does it at its best in this series of messages. Lars W. A Sparks' definition: Zion, if you are going to use the name, is in representation the fullness of Christ. That is what this letter is about, fullness and finality in Christ – (Regarding the letter to the Hebrews). And Zion, as a name, represents that. The fullness of God’s Son – that is Zion; and that fullness is God’s speech for and in this dispensation. God’s speech is the fullness that is in His Son.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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