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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Gladys Aylward :  Testimony - Part 1

 Testimony - Part 1 by Gladys Aylward

Topic: Testimony
Scripture(s): Malachi 3:10  
Description: A marvelous testimony of God's power through a woman who had committed her life to her Saviour. From the 1930's to 1940's, the Lord led her to face WWII and communism in Northern China, where she saved over a 100 orphans. After China fell to the communists, the Lord led her to the islands of Hong Kong and Taiwan, where the love He put in her heart for the Chinese and lost children continued until her death in 1970. Through her stories, she encourages all believers to completely give their entire beings to God and see what He can do with such a life entrusted to Him.
Sermon Comments (2)

 Info about the tape 
FYI, this tape was found in a cabinet at an orphanage in central China. No one knew where it came from or how it got there, but we were very grateful for it. I'm thankful to Greg for putting it on SI. May it be as much a blessing to you as it was to me.

 Godly testimony 
In studying Gladys Alyward for a drama I plan to write, I am heart broken over her life, her testimony, the conviction of her voice. She was willing to spend and be spent for Christ and we won't even go across the street to witness to our neighbor!! This sound file of her spoken testimony should move us to compassion for the lost all around us. This year of 2007 may be our last year, last month, last day to share the Gospel of Christ! I wept as she spoke of her committment, determination, her seeking Jesus in every step of her life. We who have so much surely can give to missions if we've not been called to go outselves. The song comes to mind: "Have I Done My Best for Jesus?"

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