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Audio Sermons : Art Katz :  K-048 One Thing You Lack

 K-048 One Thing You Lack by Art Katz

Topic: Call Of God
Scripture(s): Mark 10  
Description: Katz here expounds upon and builds his message upon the story of the rich man's confrontation with Jesus. "Alot of us are in a much lesser place with God, because we have not understood the totality, the radical demand, the utterness of the whole commitment to God that constitutes entry into the kingdom and also entry into life". Have you yet come to the totality that is intrinsic to the call of God? After listening to this sermon, the answer will no longer elude you.
Sermon Comments (5)

If this is not already on the classics Podcast, I for one would vote for it. For that matter it really ought to be a featured sermon if it has not been in the past. This sermon is piercing me through and through...Oh God help us. For your glory.

 Gone mad!!! 
This sermon made me get rid of some stuff... I think this is a sermon everbody needs to listen to! If I had a dog I would shoot it. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, this is my favorite sermon by Art Katz. LISTEN TO IT!!!

 Praise the Lord! 
Praise the Lord for an uncompromising voice of truth! Please listen to this sermon, you'll be glad you did (or convicted). The whole world will shout "Radical! Zealot! Going too far!" because your total Kingdom abandonment is a reproach to their lack of Kingdom devotion. Mother, Father, brothers, sisters, wives, sons, daughters, even dogs (and Art tells of a personal experience) cannot come between us and the Messiah who came to bring not peace, but a SWORD! Go, sell, give, forsake all, come, follow. That is true apostolicity and discipleship. Salvation is nothing less. If you have not forsaken all, what makes you think you're saved?

 Must hear sermon 
This is an absolutely awesome sermon. Must-hear! Art Katz classic. One of his best.

this message is so strong i really start to examine my "following" of christ, have i really given him all? have i for his sake left all? or is there something left? someone left? the story when art kills his dog its heartbreking... but its a good one for anyone who want to fully follow christ,

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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