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Audio Sermons : Art Katz :  Man's Petty Kingdom

 Man's Petty Kingdom by Art Katz

Topic: Denominations
Scripture(s): John 1:19-34, Joshua 3:3-17  
Description: Art Katz gives a solemn message to a denomination that is going towards establishing a earthly kingdom void of the power of God and the things of God. This is a warning to the Church in our day to be a part of God's eternal heavenly spiritual kingdom.
Sermon Comments (7)

 Call to Lead or Follow 
Although this message appears to be spoken as a call to a college that has become more institution-driven than Spirit-lead, it also applies to each individual listening to the lecture. At the end, we are given a choice to stand up--as a leader, following God as a missionary or preacher, or, perhaps, to be a follower. To go, not knowing, following the leaders as they take you in the path of righteousness. The crossing of the Jordan is the main illustration here. You will know it is the Lord's time to go into the Promised Land, when you see the priests and Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant across the river. Follow them! A warning is given to those who are too comfortable in their places and never cross over. Two tribes loved their life and lifestyle too much, and chose to stay behind. If you don't have time to hear it all, the prayer and altar call is quite lengthy, so you can stop listening once he begins the closing prayer.

 we need to cross the Jordan 
We'll I listened my spirit was moved. The spirit said to me, you can do this step into the waters! Obey me and I will do the rest. Hold fast and trust me. You are a priest. We must come to that jordan and cross over. He wants us to come into that promise land!

 Thought provoking 
So my heart was burning within me when I listened to these words and the call of God to repentance, to return to His ways - what a marvelous word.

This message searches any motives we may hold or have held about being something or having something and using Jesus's name or His people to be it or have it!

 The Ultimate Challenge! 
This is an unusual talk. Art Katz asserts he is not simply addressing an audience at a convention. He makes clear that he is passing on a mandate from God to his listeners. He challenges his hearers, in a sense, to the decision of their life - literally. Not just to commit to Christ, but to leave behind everything of the world's ways of doing Church and to launch out into a new life. Such a decision will lead to misunderstandings and all manner of rejections from the establishment. Man's workings are completely opposed to God's ways - and so you must be ready to pay the price!

 A message from heaven 
This message is very solemn and speaks against the unreality of establishing a church system apart from God's eternal purposes and plans. God is calling for us to enter into the church and his kingdom purposes.

 I have no words 
I normaly don't like to write about sermons or preachers, but I do it now for the call of God spoken in this sermon by this prophet. I am not good with words, so I just chalenge and beg you to listen to it. You will be blessed. And maybe you will find words to describe it...

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