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Audio Sermons : Major Ian Thomas :  Available to God

 Available to God by Major Ian Thomas

Topic: Bearing Fruit
Scripture(s): John 7:38-39  
Description: Major Thomas speaks on making ourselves as the members of Christ's body "restfully available" to Him. He points out the necessity of relying on the Head for all functions that relate to carrying out His will. "The secret of fruitfulness is not your cleverness. . . [it] is availabilty." This is a good message about trusting in God to take care of results. We follow Him, He works through us.
Sermon Comments (3)

 Challenging, amusing, clear and precise 
Major Thomas here gives a challenging (and at times highly amusing!) insight into our need to be at God's disposal so as to further His kingdom. It may be worth mentioning that his books - some still in print (as of 2010) - have the same clarity and precision of expression as this excellent talk.

 A wonderful message on evangelism God's way 
The Phrase "restfully available and istantly obedient" sums up this great message. Thank God for one who speaks about being the right person at the right time, in the right place, saying the right thing to the right person and seeing the right results. Major Thomas's message seeks to take the frantic busyness out of serving the Lord and replace it with a "restful availabilty."

 Another great message 
I thank God for voices like Ian Thomas

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