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Audio Sermons : Chuck Smith :  (People God Uses) 03 Beware of Ambition

 (People God Uses) 03 Beware of Ambition by Chuck Smith

Topic: People God Uses
Scripture(s): Acts 3:12-13  
Description: God is looking for men and women that are not seeking to glorify themselves, but to give glory to God. People that begin to take glory for themselves soon become unusable by God. God can set us aside in a hurry. We should have no personal ambitions for greatness if we want to be used by God.
Sermon Comments (1)

 A Word to Christian Artists, Musicians, Pastors, and the Rest of Us 
"Beware of Ambition" is the first message I have ever heard Chuck Smith preach. Wow. What a clean, well-targeted word. God meant for me to hear it, because when God began to prosper me in school, I immediately began spreading the word about my good grades. Hidden beneath the pretext of giving a "Look what God has done for me" testimony, I must admit that it was really motivated by the fleshly instinct that Pastor Smith describes in this sermon. Even when it is done somewhat subconsciously, striving for and basking in the praise that God deserves is a grave mistake, even (especially?) when one is supposedly doing it for God.

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