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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Worldliness

 Abraham and Lot by Leonard Ravenhill

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): Luke 17:32, Genesis 6:5  
Description: The Scripture focus of this message is Luke 17:32, with references to Genesis 6:5, and others referring to Abraham and Lot (Gen: 13:12, 18:17 and multiple references out of chapter 19). There is a warning in this message related to the modern church, in that we have access to all that we need today to live in God's will, just as did Lot, his wife, and daughters, who willfully turned away, though they were closely related to Abraham. Brother Len quotes Romans 1 from Phillip's translation. Classic Ravenhill: "I'm angry with Lot. Wait 'til I see him. I'll tell him off, I'll tell you that."
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 (Genesis) 50 - Jacob at Shechem; or Worldliness, Its Character and Cure by S. Lewis Johnson

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): Genesis 34:1-31  
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 Escape to the Mountain by Arlen L. Chitwood

Topic: Worldliness
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 Don't Stay in the Plain by Arlen L. Chitwood

Topic: Worldliness
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 Don't Look Back by Arlen L. Chitwood

Topic: Worldliness
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 (So Great A Salvation) Not Loving the World by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): 1 John 2:15-17  
Description: nil
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 Coming out of the world by Jason Robinson

Topic: Worldliness
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 Remember Lot's Wife by Walid Bitar

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): Luke 17:32  
Description: Walid Bitar gives a very powerful message towards us as Christians living as Christians without worldliness. He states that much of the professing Church are living like the heathens in the world. There is a need for us to put away this corruption and live like the new man in these last days!
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 The Christian And Worldliness by Vance Havner

Topic: Worldliness
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 Worldliness by Vance Havner

Topic: Worldliness
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 The Thorns And Thistles Of Life by Vance Havner

Topic: Worldliness
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 You Cannot Love God And The World by James La Belle

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): Mark 12:30  
Description: It is my firm conviction that worldliness is destroying the church of Jesus Christ. The church is more and more becoming like the world, indistinguishable from the world, pursuers of the world, lovers of the world. Our relationship with Jesus Christ is hardly more than an appendage or appendix to our busy, worldly lives. We are no longer distinguished as separate, consecrated, pilgrims, sojourners, or holy unto the Lord; instead, we have eyes full of the world, hearts in love with the world, ears attentive to the world, lips filled with worldly speech, hands filled with worldly things, feet comfortable with worldly paths, and bodies no longer ready to depart and be with Jesus since that would mean giving up the world.
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 Be Not Conformed To The World by Paul Washer

Topic: Worldliness
Scripture(s): Romans 12:1-2  
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 Rebuking Worldliness by Billy Strachen

Topic: Worldliness
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 Not Loving The World by Paris Reidhead

Topic: Worldliness
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 Thorns And Thistles by Vance Havner

Topic: Worldliness
Description: nil
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