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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Work Of Christ

 The Parting Of The Third Veil by Carter Conlon

Topic: Work Of Christ
Description: When God came to earth, in the form of His Son Jesus Christ, the veil was suddenly torn and Heaven came into view. The first veil was Heaven coming to us, the second veil was torn so that we are no longer separated from the presence of God. The third veil is that which separates us from the fullness of what we are called to be in Christ Jesus. God has won a victory that takes us out of every place of weakness and brings us into His redemptive power. May we find ourselves in a place of prayer, anticipating the power of the Holy Spirit so we can burst out of the veil of obscurity and step into the market place and begin to talk about the wonderful things that God is about to do.
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 I Came to Kindle a Fire on the Earth by Hans R. Waldvogel

Topic: Work Of Christ
Description: nil
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