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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Wilderness

 Why Die in the Wilderness by Ian G. North

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 The Watchtower in the Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): 2 Chronicles 19:20  
Description: The account of Jehosophat in 2 Chronicles 20 is skillfully used to encourage the listener who is in a battle with the enemy and in fear. A hopeful message on the power of God to remove those doubts and fears and to see a defeated enemy.
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 The Heart Of God In The Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Hosea 2:10-15  
Description: February 29, 2004 - The Heart of God in the Wilderness - Carter Conlon
There is a call for Christians to move through the wilderness of peoples heart and go near and speak to them about the truth and life of Jesus. God will comfort us and cause us to speak comfortably into the wilderness of their heart about the kingdom of God.
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 Don't Die in Your Wilderness by David Wilkerson

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Psalm 69:1-3, Psalm 66:10-12  
Description: Using many more scriptures, Pastor Wilkerson illustrates how believers in the Bible suffered afflictions, and how God brought them out. The scriptures testify there will be suffering involved in serving God,  and our faith is refined when we go through the fire and come out still believing God. And he is glorified. God will not fail you, he will not turn you over to the enemy. Israel couldn't believe or accept the love God had for them, causing an entire generation to perish in the wilderness. Understand that not only does God love his children, he delights in them as well. Even in our hardships and trials, God delights in us.
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 A Day's Journey Into the Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): 1 Kings 19  
Description: Ever suffer from spiritual despression -- even at times when, no matter how great you feel the power of God working in your life, you still feel as if you could rise from your bed only to eat, then lie back down again? In I Kings 19, Elijah felt that way, even after God had defeated the priests of Baal by answering Isaiah's prayer and accepting his sacrifice. Isaiah even wished to die. In this sermon, Pastor Conlon discusses spiritual depression and how it may strike any one of us at any time -- and what to do about it if it does.
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 Cranbrook 1993 Preparation in the Wilderness (10-3-93 PM) by George Warnock

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 A Way Through the Wilderness by George Warnock

Topic: Wilderness
Description: From David Wilkerson's "Call to Repentance" conference in Tifton, Ga. in 1986. This sermon examines Israel's wanderings in the wilderness and shows that God continually led them into situations that revealed their hearts in order to purify them and show his faithfulness to them. It also examines Israel's unwillingness to "go all the way," and reveals God's desire for a people who will love and serve him completely.
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 You Will Soon Be Released from the Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Luke 1:21-23  
Description: November 13, 2005 - The wilderness is a place where we begin to realize without the strength and power of God we will not be able to go on. There has to be a determination in our heart to make ell tremble. Those who have learned in their wilderness experience to lean on the Lord will come out infused with His power and authority.
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 K-069 The Wilderness Call by Art Katz

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Luke 4:1, Luke 4:14  
Description: nil
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 Coming Out of the Wilderness with Power by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Luke 4:1, Luke 4:40-42, Luke 5:15-16  
Description: August 30, 2009 - In just a little while God in His mercy will lead His church into the wilderness. The wilderness is not a place to be avoided, but rather a place to be understood. There is something of God in this place. God Himself will allure us there to speak comfort and strengthen us. He will take away all things that we believe He has given us, when in reality He never did. In this place God will deal with all that has captivated our heart and would hinder His life from being lived through us. In the wilderness the natural becomes supernatural and we are brought back to a right perspective. When we get through this deep dealing of God we are enabled to make the choice to be poured out for Jesus so that others can be grafted into His power and lineage. The lesson learned from this experience is that the power of God is found in those who will be given for others!
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 Significance of Wilderness by Reuben Walter

Topic: Wilderness
Description: The wilderness is an integral part of every Christian's walk with God. If you have any "why" questions right now, you need to hear this message.
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 Wilderness Testing by Art Katz

Topic: Wilderness
Description: Art examines the purpose behind God’s bringing His people through a wilderness experience, both historically and in the future.
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 My Personal Wilderness by Andrew Strom

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 Prepare to Worship in the Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
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 Straw Rags, Wilderness by Bakht Singh

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 A Temporary, God-Appointed Wilderness by Carter Conlon

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 Tested In The Wilderness I by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 Tested In the Wilderness Part II by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Wilderness
Description: nil
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 Sweet Water with Wilderness - Exodus 15+16 by Phil Beach Jr.

Topic: Wilderness
Scripture(s): Exodus 15  
Description: nil
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