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Audio Sermons : By Topic : Watchmen

 Watchmen, Who Are Not Watchmen by Jacob Prasch

Topic: Watchmen
Description: nil
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 Beware of the Angry Watchmen by Carter Conlon

Topic: Watchmen
Scripture(s): Song of Solomon 2:1-10, James 1:14, Song of Solomon 5:6-7  
Description: October 28, 2007 - There is a false revival on the rise. It is the rise of the angry watchman who will cast stones at those who have gone astray from the Lord. This false revival consists of ministers who have led people away from the truth through legalism and a misguided prosperity gospel. They will forbid and command prodigals not to come into the presence of God until you work your way back into His favor through human effort and religion. We must not remove the veil from the bride of Christ. We have a righteousness that can not be taken away from us because Jesus is our veil.
Sermon Comments (1)
 Do Watchman Roar Or Meow by Scott Hynds

Topic: Watchmen
Description: nil
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