| | Do not be Unbelieving, but Believing by Erlo Stegen
Topic: Unbelieving Scripture(s): John 20:19-31 | | Description: This is a great matter indeed! The disciples were in the room at night, behind a locked door for fear of the Jews. Suddenly Jesus was among them saying, "Peace be with you". Jesus needs no key to enter the room. Even if there’s no door, He can go right through the wall. Then He showed them His hands and feet. You’ve heard how his majesty said unashamedly that Jesus is His Lord before the whole world. Jesus said that he who is ashamed of Me, of him I will be ashamed before the Father and His holy angels (Luke 9:26). A certain very prominent judge in Germany has said that if all the evidence and witnesses in the Bible be judged in a court of law, the verdict would be clear that indeed Jesus had risen from the dead! If you refuse to believe after all the evidence had been laid out before you, no wonder that your condemnation in hell will be just.
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