| | | | A Time To Do Nothng But Trust by David Wilkerson
Topic: Trust Scripture(s): 1 Samuel 14 | | Description: This sermon is best described by the title alone. It is a faith building sermon that is a must hear for all. Wilkerson preaches out of 1 Samuel and the story of King Saul. There is a time when we are left with nothing to do but either trust or be disobedient.
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| | | How Far Are You Prepared to Trust God by David Wilkerson
Topic: Trust Scripture(s): Malachi 1:7-8, Proverbs 3:5-6, Jeremiah 9:24 | | Description: Too many misunderstand the freeness of Gods grace and mistakenly think that the cost of following God is therefore free. But when you embark on this journey you will find that either you really trust God or you merely say that you trust God. How far are you willing to go?
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| | | The Basis of Faith is Trust by Carter Conlon
Topic: Trust Scripture(s): Psalms 119:68 | | Description: January 24, 2006 When God sends us through hard times it is because He is investing His life in us. The very essence of our faith is to trust that everything God does is good .The hard times, the times we dont understand, and the uncomfortable times. Trusting in the goodness of God will allow us to go through any situation with a supernatural peace and we will come out understanding His purpose for our lives
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