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Audio Sermons : By Topic : True Vine

 Vine Branches by Roy Hession

Topic: True Vine
Scripture(s): John 15:1-11, Psalm 80:8, Isaiah 5:2  
Description: The Lord is the True Vine, and we are to be the branches, the Vine displays the fruit it produces through it's branches and so should we bear the fruit of the Lord Jesus. If we do not bear the fruit of the Spirit though we will compensate for it by manifesting the works of the flesh in an attempt to cover over our seperation from the True Vine. The basic fruit of the Spirit is love it is at the heart of all the other fruits, the basis for the works of the flesh is self. A great truth is revealed in this message that we do not bear fruit by asking for it but by confessing and dealing with our sin then the Lord will help us to bear fruit.
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 Christ, The True Vine by Paul Washer

Topic: True Vine
Scripture(s): John 15:1-7  
Description: Are our hearts focused on Christ alone or other things? Paul Washer shares the ultimate important goal of Christian life is to experience and know God Himself. We should never allow ministry or gifts or other experiences to take away from our devotion to God Himself. Christ is the true vine, He is our source of life, fulfillment and joy.
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